Your journey of self-purification begins here!

Our legacy of helping Muslims in performing their obligatory religious duty Hajj, and non-obligatory religious duty Umrah,when the visionary Hafiz Salman laid the foundation of Al Manoos Tours & Travels in 2000. Since our inception, every year we have enabled thousands of pilgrims to successfully fulfil their promise to Allah. Our expert team of experienced professionals in India and Saudi Arabia are committed towards ensuring that every aspect of this holy pilgrimage is executed flawlessly, and the pilgrim is in a relaxed state of mind during the sacred journey. At Al Manoos Tours & Travels, we pride ourselves in providing excellent service and focusing only on one goal: your absolute comfort. We are recognized by the Government of India and the Government of Saudi Arabia for our commitment of delivering an exceptional experience for pilgrims who perform Hajj as well as Umrah with us.

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Our Packages







Ramadan Umrah


Ramadan Umrah


Almanoos Tours and Travels attains a most favourable reputation as one of the best tours and travels for Umrah packages 2019 and 2020 from all over the cities in India. Atlas Umrah is fully dedicated to serve people with luxury Umrah packages from India and give Umrah pilgrims a divine tour of the holy place Makkah. Give yourself an experience of a lifetime by booking affordable Umrah packages from our Super Saver, Awwal, Aala and Azeem packages.